
- RecyCREATE with glass bottles -

When I go to the dumpster to throw several bags of paper and cardboard, plastic, glass, I think often to the enormous amount of waste that we produce every day, and the shame that some of these end up in the bin systematically even if the objects can be recycled. For this reason too, some time ago, when I finished a (good) bottle of wine, I decided to recycle the bottle for its particular shape. And this is just one of many ways to Recycreate a glass bottle……

This project was published in the journal ".ECO" (n°4 - May / July pag.41)

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Foto bottiglie

Glass bottles in varoius colors an shapes


Materials for the activity


The lampshade

punte e fresini

Glass drill bit and sferic mill

 fissaggio bottiglia

Bottle fixing 1

fissaggio bottiglia

Bottle fixing 2

perforazione bottiglia

Start perforation of bottle

perforazione bottiglia

Perforation in progress

bottiglia forata

The hole...

bottiglie forate

Bottles and...holes 1

altre bottiglie forate

Bottles and...holes 2

bottiglia sfortunata

Non all the bottles...

bottiglia rotta

...come out with hole (sigh!)

montaggio cavo elettrico

Inserting of electric cable

cavo con presa e interruttore

Plug and switch

manca il porta lampada

Waiting the bulb socket...

montaggio porta lampada

Assembling of bulb socket 1

montaggio porta lampada

Assembling of bulb socket 2

porta lampada e lampada

Bulb socket and Eco-Lamp


Assembling lampshade 1


Assembling lampshade 2

Bottiglia grande

Et Voilą!



Bottiglia piccola

Same lampshade, different bottle...

Bottiglia impagliata

With a straw bottle

Paralume a incastro

The joint lampshade, the easier to use

Bottiglia impagliata

The father of my all abat jour!




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